On 6 June 2019, Omnia Limited ("Omnia") was placed into liquidation on grounds of insolvency pursuant to section 146 of the Insolvency Act 2011 and Edgar Lavarello of PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited, 327 Main Street, Gibraltar, was appointed Liquidator.
If you believe that you may be a creditor of Omnia, please complete this form (may also be found below).
We shall continue to update creditors using this website, but if you have any specific enquiries then please send them to gi_insolvency.omnia@pwc.com . Please note that due to the large amount of creditor communications, we cannot reply to all emails. Information regarding the progress of the liquidation will be posted on our website. If you have submitted a claim using the below electronic form, we will be in contact with you in due course.
Notice of a meeting of creditors
Liquidators Preliminary Report
Constitution of Creditors Committee
First Progress Report 5 June 2020
Form to be completed by Omnia creditors