Shared services and outsourcing

Outsourcing may be a powerful competitive weapon for organisations but it is certainly a double edge sword. When used strategically, it has the potential to make a material impact on the performance of the organisation when it goes wrong it can drag the organisation backward and leave it scarred.

At PwC Gibraltar we can assist clients in considering their outsourcing options with a view of allowing the leadership of the business to concentrate on its core business activities. The outsourcing lifecycle consists of 6 phases each with its own set of challenges

  • Identify which activities to outsource
  • Define your requirements and assess potential suppliers
  • Negotiate the right terms, draft watertight contracts covering the sharing of intellectual property, performance criteria and penalties for non performance
  • Make major changes and communicate with employees about alterations in their working environment
  • Manage political, regulatory and regulatory change
  • Review and manage existing contracts and manage disputes.

Contact us

Patrick Pilcher

Partner, PwC Gibraltar

Tel: 20066842 ext 309

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