Company taxation

Our large and diverse client base generates unrivalled experience in the taxation of Gibraltar companies.

Advisory services

Our dedicated team of tax advisors work proactively with companies to optimise their tax situation. With an excellent working relationship with the tax office which has been built up over many years together with unrivalled expertise and knowledge of Gibraltar tax laws, our tax experts provide support to businesses on all current tax issues and on resolving the complex issues involved in tax planning. Our client’s include businesses of all sizes and types and from all industries.

We also assist our corporate client with the preparation and submission of their statutory income tax returns.

Compliance services  

Our compliance service includes liaising with the income office including answering queries on the company’s behalf.

  • The preparation on your behalf of annual taxation computations, in accordance with the requirements of the income tax act, for submission with your statutory accounts to the commissioner of income tax.
  • The lodging of a formal notice of appeal on your behalf against incorrect assessments to corporation tax.
  • Where appropriate we will make formal application for postponement of the payment of tax in dispute and advising as to appropriate payments on account.
  • The notification of due date(s) for payment of corporation tax, and recommendation of the amount(s) to be paid.

Contact us

Patrick Pilcher

Partner, PwC Gibraltar

Tel: 20066842 ext 309

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