PwC in the community

PwC in the community

Every activity PwC undertakes, both as a firm and our individual people, has an impact on the community in which we operate. We aim to make a difference to the communities we work and live in and we empower our people to do the same.

We’re involved with a number of charities and community groups and many of our people give their time and skills to assist these organisations. See below to read more about some of the activities and causes we support.

Supporting local charities

We actively support local charities by allowing individuals to get involved on their own merit.

Where a request is received to support financially, we consider the aims and objectives of the charity, put it to our locally appointed CSR committee, and come up with a firm-wide position and support for the charity. We inform all staff members on a quarterly basis of all our community service and financial donations creating awareness and allowing individuals to get involved where they feel passionate about a particular cause.

We represent a number of local charities at board level. In doing so, we provide professional advice on a pro-bono basis.

The Gibraltar Society of Cancer Relief  

The charity's objectives include providing support, assistance and information directly or indirectly to those people affected by cancer in Gibraltar; building cancer awareness and education in Gibraltar; and promoting effective care, involvement and support for people affected by cancer. The charity also provides a specialist Hospice Outreach Service for those affected by cancer. 

PwC Gibraltar provides accounting services to The Gibraltar Society of Cancer Relief

Cancer Relief

Gib Sams


Gibsams provides a confidential freephone helpline which offers a listening service to anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal feelings. Gibsams volunteers are trained to listen, callers can talk to them at any time, in their own way and off the record. Gibsams vision is that fewer people die of suicide. 

PwC Gibraltar provides accounting services to Gibsams.


RICC's aim is to help children with cancer by funding research which not only looks at ways of 'curing' but which also endeavours to make that means of healing less traumatic. RICC plays an informative role and keeps the people of Gibraltar informed about some of the research projects being undertaken in the UK. 

PwC Gibraltar provides accounting services to RICC. 


Clubhouse Gibraltar

Clubhouse Gibraltar

Clubhouse Gibraltar is a work based programme where individuals with a history of mental illness can develop to their full potential.

The Clubhouse provides support with employment, a work-ordered day, a social program, community support, reach out, education, housing and a Health and Wellness program. It is a place where people with mental health difficulties participate in their own recovery process by working and socializing together in a safe and nurturing environment. Professional staff work side by side and empower individuals to develop their self confidence and become productive citizens.

PwC provides payroll administration services to the charity. 

Childline Gibraltar

The Charities' objectives are to promote the welfare and wellbeing of children in Gibraltar, and to provide a point of contact for children, parents and members of the general public in need of help, guidance or support with matters directly or indirectly affecting the welfare or wellbeing, or for the benefit of children. Childline Gibraltar provides a free helpline service every day of the year, an appropriate adult service for when juveniles are arrested and need an adult present, and an outreach programme to raise awareness.  

PwC Gibraltar assists Childline Gibraltar with their monthly bookkeeping for internal purposes and their annual reporting to Charities Commission. Barry Pillans, one of the partners at PwC Gibraltar is also the treasurer for Childline Gibraltar. Some of the staff at PwC Gibraltar also volunteer as appropriate adults during working hours. 

Childline/Appropriate Adult Scheme

Members of staff, including partners, have volunteered to Childline’s (registered charity number: 170) Appropriate Adult Scheme. This Scheme supports children and young adults from our community, when their parents or carers are not around or available to assist them.

Childline Gibraltar

Relay For Life 24 Hour Walk 2019

Cyber Centurion

PwC are proud to support our local Cyber Centurion team with a donation of laptops. Keep learning guys and good luck at this year's competition.
#CyberCenturion #CyberSecurity

One of our Gibraltar partners has been a member of the Committee of the Gibraltar Branch of the British Red Cross since 2010. The Gibraltar Branch is an Overseas Branch established under Article 5.21 of the Royal Charter as a separate legal entity. The Branch is governed by the Committee of 16 volunteer members. Day to day management is conducted by the welfare officer together with a team of volunteer workers who dedicate their time to the causes of the Branch.

The efforts of the Branch concentrate on the improvement of health and the prevention and alleviation of human suffering which is achieved through the provision of specialist hospital equipment to those in need through the services of our welfare officer as well as supporting other worthy causes.

PwC provides financial, banking and accounting support to the local Branch. 

Student Open Day 2018

Student Open Day 2017

Lloyd's Charity Bowling Tournament 2017


Supporting local events

We aim to support local events regularly by participating in fund raising activities such as fun runs, cake stalls, etc.

Jeans for Genes Day 2019

Jeans for Genes Day campaigns for Genetic Disorders UK, the national charity supporting children affected by a genetic disorder.

#jeansforgenes #jeansforgenesday #j4g #j4gday  

GBC Open Day 2018

Christmas Jumper Day 2018

GBC Open Day 2017

Cake Sale in Aid of GBC Open Day 2018

Think Pink Day 2018

Clean Up the World 2018

Free the Knees 2017

Jeans for Genes Day 2017

Charity Cake Stall

GBC Open Day

Think Pink Day 2017

Mental Health Awareness Day 2017

Careers Fair

STM Fun Run


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